Media That Published Russian Disinformation For Years Says Hannity Loves Putin

 “Vladimir Putin: Do we love him, or do we hate him?  Sean Hannity can’t make up his mind”!  That is how Kat Bouza opens her piece attacking Sean Hannity as a Russian agent for Rolling Stone.  Did he disparage Biden over his Putin rhetoric by saying “the 1980’s want their foreign policy back”?  Or did he pay Russians to lie about Biden and put it all together and give it to the FBI?  No.  Bouza takes issue with the fact that Hannity cited a quote from a Russian Government official. 

Her piece is entitled Kremlin Spokespeople are Reliable Sources– at least to Sean Hannity, which frames her attack as if he was taking their statement as fact while no one else is willing to even listen to it.  However Bouza blows up this frame job in her first paragraph.  She wrote “The Fox News host unironically cited a quote from a Kremlin spokesperson, reported by Reuters, (italics mine) that questioned the mental faculties of President Joe Biden.”  I doubt that she believes that Reuters is somehow in love with Putin, which she insinuates Hannity does. 

So what is so wrong with what he did?  Are we supposed to ignore what a foe of our country is saying about our leadership?  Does the fact that we talk about these statements make us an agent of that Government as she says?  Of course not but that is what the Left wants you to believe.  In fact this is what Putin does to his press and his people.  Are we to believe that Bouza is a Putin sympathizer?  According to the Left’s rules, yes.

Bouza would just have the American people be pushed into a nuclear war with Russia because of Biden’s failing mental abilities rather than admit that they were wrong to push him onto the country.  Just this past week, Biden’s Administration had to walk back comments he had made 4 times.  This included the President advocating for regime change in Russia.  In this context Hannity quoting the Kremlin was apropos as he was highlighting how Biden is a huge liability in this crisis.

She goes on to argue that “Despite his attempts to reinforce Kremlin propaganda, Hannity spent much of the show flip- flopping between tacit praise of Putin and nationalistic Cold War- era anti- Russian sentiment.”  According to Bouza, making a joke about Putin attempting to look like Trump is tacit praise, while having anti-Russian sentiment just means you want America to not be dragged into a war.  

This is just “the same brand of contradictory behavior exhibited by former president Donald Trump, who in recent weeks has both called Putin a genius and branded the invasion of Ukraine as a very sad thing for the world.”  Apparently Leftists don’t understand nuance as much as they think or have any critical thinking abilities.  

When Trump called Putin a genius he was referring to Putin announcing that Russia was recognizing the independence of two pro-Russian breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine.  At the time this looked like a good move on Putin’s part because it would have been a bloodless gain of territory for Russia.  It also would have made Biden look bad as he had been warning for months of a coming war.  However Putin didn’t just stick with taking over these two breakaway regions and invaded the entirety of Ukraine days later.  So Trump made a mistake by speaking too soon in a fluid situation.  Making this statement before the full invasion began and then commenting about how the full invasion is bad for the world is only contradictory to a Leftist.  To a normal person it is just events changing your opinion.

The only ones who are flip flopping are Leftists who loved Russia during the Cold War.   made shady promises to them during the Obama years and paid them for disinformation like a desperate John with Hillary Clinton.  Since that backfired, they’ve had to initiate a new McCarthyism, let us call it Clintonyism, to cover up their treason.  

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