Perfect Phone Call 2.0?: The Deep State Sure Wants You To Think So

A week before the U.S midterm elections and fearing Republican oversight on the U.S proxy war with Russia, the Deep State moved to control the narrative around how and how much aid the U.S should be providing to Ukraine.

According to four anonymous sources, President Biden got angry with Ukrainian President Zelensky in June when he didnt show enough appreciation for what the U.S was providing to Ukraine. The persons familiar with the call said Biden raised his voice, and said Zelensky could show a little more gratitude.

These anonymous sources, probably part of the Intelligence component of the Deep State are spinning this story as proof that President Biden was aware back in June that “congressional and public support for sending billions of dollars to Ukraine could begin to fade.”

As any person half paying attention knows this version of events is highly unlikely considering Bidens decision just weeks before the war began to green light the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. As Zelensky warned the president this made a Russian invasion all but certain as they no longer would have to involve Ukraine in shipping oil and natural gas to Europe. So lets just say President Biden does not have a grasp on his decisions and their potential repercussions.

Further putting into doubt Biden’s ability to analyse complex situations is his lack of awareness of where he is, who he is, who is alive, who his wife is etc, etc. No, this story just doesnt add up to what these sources are selling. To me it seems they are preempting something. Remember it wasnt too long ago that President Trump was impeached over his phone call with President Zelensky when he asked for a favor. Well this time the President demanded gratitude. Is there anything untoward going on here?

Lets put another scenerio forward about this phone call. According to Biden, Zelensky wasnt showing enough gratitude for U.S aid. What if during this phone call or through other means the Biden administration demanded Zelensky publicly or privately show gratitude? We already know that after this phone call Zelensky made a statement praising the U.S for its assistance.

Could there have been more private quid quo pro’s? The fact we are just learning about this conversation is a little suspicious. It isnt like Biden hasnt tried to have foreign countries help him politically a la Saudi Arabia. Could there have been some side deals made? We know the Biden family has experience with Ukraine’s energy industry.

As of this writing it appears Republicans wont have the ability to dig into these issues as the Deep State feared red wave didnt materialize. However, this story does deserve looking into.

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