Morning Joe Panelist Pretends To Care About Americans Losing Freedom While Contributing To Its Loss

Donny Deutsch declared that “Freedom is over if Donald Trump gets elected.” He made the claim during a recent panel discussion on “Morning Joe.”

“Morning Joe might not exist anymore because Donald Trump has said, as all autocrats say, what they will do, ” continued Deutsch, invoking Trump’s comments that if elected, he wants the FCC reporting directly to the President. “He will cancel the show.”

The Wrap’s Natalie Korach wrote that “Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough agreed that his job may be in jeopardy if a Trump return to the White House is the result of the 2024 election. He said Trump is ripping a page out the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s playbook by seeking control of the FCC so he can decide what shows are on TV and what shows are not on TV.”

The entire panel appear to skip over what Scarborough says next. “You have liberals all the time saying ‘you need to push to have Fox News like get the FCC to investigate this and get the FCC to investigate that, It doesn’t work that way, at least in this America.”

If liberals attempt to weaponize the FCC does that make them Autocrats? Are they taking a page out of Viktor Orban’s playbook? The failure of liberal media members to look at their side of the aisle allows them to make the claim that weaponizing the government “does not work that way in America.”

If they actually had the ability for introspection they would realize that it does work this way in America.  And despite their hand wringing over hypothetical censorship by Donald Trump they ignore real censorship perpetrated by themselves and their allies. 

Joe and Donny weren’t crying that freedom was over when the FBI worked with social media companies to censor stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop because they were disinformation. All the while they knew that wasn’t the case and that the laptop was real. No, Joe and Donny were actively colluding with the FBI in curtailing other people’s rights.

Furthermore Deutsch supports President Biden, who attempted to use the power of the Federal government to crack down on so called misinformation. Was he sounding the alarm about the Disinformation Governance Board, which was a clear and present danger to our First Amendment right to free speech?

Going by ‘Morning Joe’ and Danny Deutsch’s standard they deserve to be kicked off the air by FCC. As one of the main purveyors of the Clinton led Russian collusion hoax which itself included Russian disinformation.

Far from being an excuse to cancel a show that less than 1% of Americans watch The New York Times says that “The(Trump) agenda being pursued has deep roots in the decades-long effort by conservative legal thinkers to undercut what has become known as the administrative state…the theory’s adherents argue that Article 2 of the Constitution gives the president complete control of the executive branch, so Congress cannot empower agency heads to make decisions or restrict the president’s ability to fire them.”

In simple terms what this theory boils down to is that the people elect the president and not the career bureaucrats that believe they know better than them. So you would think that Deutsch and liberals like him would support this agenda with how much they claim to love Democracy.

Is it any surprise that this would be the goal of Trump’s second term after what the administrative state did during his first? Members of the administrative state publicly but anonymously declared their intent to sabotage President Trump’s agenda.

These actions culminated with Alexander Vindman and the first impeachment of Trump because the president veered from the ‘interagency consensus’ of the State Department.

The real loss of freedom is living in a country where our intelligence agencies using traditional and social media manipulate our elections through second hand censorship. Then when our elected representatives attempt to carry out their policy agenda they are stymied by unaccountable bureaucrats.

All of this doesn’t seem to matter to Donny Deutsch because it isn’t his freedom being curtailed. He is the very definition of a useful idiot.

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